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WS have no idea

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The leadership of WS have no idea who they're up against.


I feel so bad for their members because of the propaganda that their leadership are spreading without even being able to prove it... We're smacking them every single time they 'dare' to take a step in wildy.


I also wonder if their members know that their website/forums are completely compromised. It's literally unsafe to be part of WS and I have the evidence laying right next to me. They literally have no clue on how to lead a clan :(. Reading their leadership makes me cringe :P




Stay tuned for more ;)


PS: I know which rank of WS is posting random shit on our forums as well. I wish that kid the best of luck.

Edited by Sybren

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Void Tank

lines of l000000000000000000000000000l

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lines of l000000000000000000000000000l

Bruhhh they can't pk AND they can't manage a fking site - 



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Not sure what was posted earlier it got deleted quick, but whatever it was ws members have no business coming here just to flame members or trying to embarrass people, haven't even seen them out much at all lately, avoiding us at all costs?

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Not sure what was posted earlier it got deleted quick, but whatever it was ws members have no business coming here just to flame members or trying to embarrass people, haven't even seen them out much at all lately, avoiding us at all costs?

It's retarded man, you don't even want to see it hahaha. They literally have nothing on us and the only thing they can do is to put my face on a gay fuck scene :D.


Apparently I got fanboys in WS. D3VOL must have a crush on me or something  :o.


In the meantime we're repping our clan in wildy while they're still known for a shitty castle wars clan :P.

Edited by Sybren

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They always think it's Tay's doing on everything lmfao

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They always think it's Tay's doing on everything lmfao

lol right


Not sure what was posted earlier it got deleted quick, but whatever it was ws members have no business coming here just to flame members or trying to embarrass people, haven't even seen them out much at all lately, avoiding us at all costs?

It's retarded man, you don't even want to see it hahaha. They literally have nothing on us and the only thing they can do is to put my face on a gay fuck scene :D.


Apparently I got fanboys in WS. D3VOL must have a crush on me or something  :o.


In the meantime we're repping our clan in wildy while they're still known for a shitty castle wars clan :P.


lmao right, guess they have nothing better to do, if they spent half the time trying to get better as a clan as they doing acting like spastics we might have something to be worried about lol

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Let's go

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Quick Prayer

Wtf did I do this time..... Jees they hate me over there..

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"it was probably Quick Prayer'



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oooh good, I like clan beef XD

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