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How old is your oldest rs account?

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holy cow!s3t3Bcs.png

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Made my first account in 2002 and can't remember the password :'/ RIP ! 

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Mines about 3800 days old

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3386 on my account hahaha

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The Majesty

Made mine on day 10 of original RS and loved it all the way to EOC when jagex messed it all up and made me start again lol

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2005. chaca chaca, lmao

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gene vance


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my acc is around 4000 days old

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13kg brews

this is a fun topic my oldest runescape acount on rs3 now caled the shit rs is so old hans doesnt evin know 

he doesnt reply anny numbers and the option of selecting how old your acount is is not there for my acount  :D

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AGS To Mouth

3,298 Days on my first ever account created 11 years ago lol

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Got banned beginning of 07 but it was 3700+ i remember that

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