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How old is your oldest rs account?

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street clerk

I wish my main did not get banned. I started that account in 01.

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I don't even want to know

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my oldest account is at 3617 days:]

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kinda of sad lol i think i am at 16+ years. I started playing at age 10 

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Idk how to post a pic but I have an account that is from early 2004. You know you're real af when you still use your username to login ;)

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My oldest account is about 14 years old now, no joke. I can't for the life of me remember the password though. :\

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2k days only :/

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Where does it say? I can't find it in the adventure log deal.. 


2004 zone though, so 12 years :o

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Had my original account started back in 2006 I believe. Sadly always wanted to make new accounts so no longer have it but its been over 10 years which is crazy to think.

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Haha mine's about the same age, 3800-something days ago with like almost 10 days played on my main.


That's not too bad I think lol after that long, maybe because there were many years I didn't play it skewed the average

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