Hey. Im doing Barbarian Assault (Ba) right now and i really like this game. If any clan-members or just people from chat/clan want to join me in this game, would be really wonderfull. I won't do it every day, but will be happy to assist anyone on Sundays (always if im online).
About Barbarian Assault
Barbarian Assault is a safe team-based combat Minigame located at the Barbarian Outpost. A team of five players must work together to battle 10 waves of Penance, before finally defeating the Penance Queen herself.
There are no requirements for this minigame, although a player with a higher combat level will generally perform better. This is a safe minigame, so you won't lose any items if you die.
The reason why most people doing this mini-game, becuz of great rewards and fighter torso.
Gambling rewards:
As you can see its quite fun and easy mini-game with great rewards So if anyone would like to do BA on Sundays, feel free to pm me/ask in chat. Hopefully I/we will find a good team and will get nice rewards. ^^'
N.B! If you got any questions, ask them here.